Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Traveling Cold

Hello Friends ~

Two weeks ago, I emerged bleary-eyed and zombie-like from the holiday cocoon only to be knocked out by the cold that never ends. It started with Keaton during Christmas vacation, and has been making it’s way through our family for the past 3 weeks.

Now, saying “I don’t do well with down time.” is a little bit of an understatement. I go crazy. I start by relaxing and watching TV and sleeping the fever off (like a normal invalid), and end up crying over Parks and Rec with a mountain of tissues because they are so productive and happy, and I’m just laying here like:

Andy Dwyer speaks the truth.
I’m a little Type A.

But it turns out, I’m really grateful for this rocky beginning to the year. Because, I’m not just a planner, I’m an over planner. I put myself through the ringer pushing way too hard to get too many things done, only to inevitably burnout. And I had PLANS for January. January was my Christmas present. I knew I wasn't going to get much done in December, but then I was going to have three glorious weeks before Keaton went back to school.

And now here we are halfway through January, and I’m sure you can guess how that’s gone.

But, I’m happy. Because, instead of hustling through with my mile long list of Good Things To Do, I've been playing cars with my toddler (when we’re not cuddling in bed), and playing peek-a-boo with my baby, and dreaming with my husband of our future.

I like being busy, and that’s not going to change. But as it turns out, my real Christmas gift has been throwing most of that list out the window. And I’m learning to be okay with that.

Happy New Year!